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The rose

Dec 13th @ 10:27pm EST

The RoseIn the gloom of aForever eternal springCraving the fertile DemeterWaving your lips on the groundAnd say in a sweet voiceCome to us the most beautiful flowerAnd the most beautiful bud leaves the earthA red envied by his daughter PersephoneOf an arome as sweet as the versesThat an ingenious poet writesTo with them from their beloved getThe most immeasurable kisses.That flower of green stemsOf fine and sharp spinesWho guard in odious intentionCrimson indisputably and deliciousOf some pet)als whose soft aromeFar are worthy of biased delightOf devious lovers that selfish ravageHis being turned to petty interestTo show off idiots who have roseWhose obtaining is far from real darlingAnd yes less decorate with decent proseThe look of a beauty to say is due.Thus comes to the land of the livingA rose that fertility made personHe gives us to fall in love with wineWhich platonic night of beautiful seductionThe one who saw her born by divine preceptAnd decreed only to be for a worthy loveOf him who knows what in his heart he singsA song of charm and strange languageWhich siren that its song the soul amazeIn that spell to which I gave myself of yesteryearJust to write to you pink among a thousand rosesI love you yesterday and today on your birthday.

one of my favorite poems

Dec 12th @ 7:38pm EST

Danna FauldsRelease the harsh and pointed innervoice. it's just a throwback to the past,and holds no truth about this moment.Let go of self-judgment, the old,learned ways of beating yourself upfor each imagined inadequacy.Allow the dialogue within the mindto grow friendlier, and quiet. Shiftout of inner criticism and lifesuddenly looks very different.i can say this only because I makethe choice a hundred times a day to release the voice that refuses toacknowledge the real me.What's needed here isn't more prodding toward perfection, butintimacy - seeing clearly, andembracing what I see.Love, not judgment, sows theseeds of tranquility and change.


Dec 8th @ 6:31pm EST

One of the most intimate things I have is my diary. I call him a champion's diary, because, although many things that I have written have not materialized in the present, I intend to act to make each and every one of my written letters come true. This seems to me to be champion mentality.I have formulated many interesting things in my opinion in my journal and today in this little blog I want to share with my readers, the questions that in my opinion any human being should ask himself is his loneliness beauty, in his deepest and most sublime interior that many times It is not visited by ourselves in the daily live.1) Why would you be willing to die?2) What lessons do you resist most at this time in your life?3) What have your most painful experiences contributed to you, and in what sense would your life be worse if you had not taken advantage of them?4) If your life were summed up in one word, what would it be?5) What would I do if I had thirty days to live?I invite you to answer them and if you want to share them with me, I will share my personal answers with you.Well, I have many more questions to share with you, but with these 5 there are many edges and good themes of our lives to investigate.If you liked my content and what I wrote, don't forget to leave your comment on my profile or a message in my inbox. I thank all the users who leave their messages and additionally while I'm not online they voluntarily leave cr in my profile. Thank you, your messages rumble in my head and it has motivated me to continue sharing my thoughts with you.

Tiresias - el ciego transexual de Grecia-

Apr 19th @ 4:18pm EDT

he was the greatest fortune-teller of classical antiquity, he was allowed to keep his spirit in hell and despite being blind he could see the future like nobody else. I speak of Tiresias, born a man but condemned to be a woman for part of his life. Why this punishment of the Greek gods? then something about his story ...Born of the shepherd Everest and the nymph Acaricio, Tiresias was the addition par excellence of the Greek world. He lived in the city of Thebes for many more years than any mortal. Man was born but one day he made an exit through the countryside and saw two snakes copulating, led by the impulse and morbid decided ki(ll) the female snake. The goddess Hera appeared at that moment and punished him by turning him into a woman. She was a woman for 7 years, bringing up little boys and practicing prostitution with great fame. One day he was walking in the countryside and again saw two snakes copulating, this time he decided not to ki(ll) any snakes. The goddess Hera, seeing that she had already learned, restored her man's body. Tiresias had been the only one on earth to have sexual experience as a man and as a woman, for this reason he was quoted by Zeus on Olympus as he argued with his wife, the goddess Hera, for whom he enjoyed sexual pleasure more; the man or the woman, because that was the best reason for the god Zeus to justify his infidelities since his wife could enjoy more than the act. Tiresias said "the man only enjoys a part of 10 that the woman enjoys" Hera furious at his response decides to turn him blind and Zeus for his answer gives him the possibility to see the future.Tiresias lived many years condemned by the god as a man and woman at the time and blind but fortune-teller ...

My bib fear

Mar 6th @ 12:15am EST

I do not fear the darkness, loneliness pleases me because I hear the screams of my unconscious grief telling me all the bad things of my ego, every day. I am judged by something good or bad enotnces the criticism does not hurt me very much, concoer easy strangers, invite to dance the nicest person in the disco easy, family and friends tomorrow maybe is not here, I can overcome it but what I have not been able to face up to now is my fear of cockroaches, the last time I saw one in my house urinate in my pants and cry of fear why ??? Just I don't know but you know a little more about me now jeje..


Feb 8th @ 4:48pm EST

Today, my dear readers, I want to tell you a little about the roots of a word that today is one of the worst qualifiers of our era. This word is Bi * tchIn the majority of etymological dictionaries such as Joan Corominas or Friedrich Diez, they approximate the meaning of this word to the meaning that we all save today and that there is no need to mention it at this time. But I ... Tylor Jess I\'ll go a little deeper. and I\'ll illustrate in this short blog a bit of history.Several great authors of literature say that this word comes from the Greek origin Budza. Budza wanted to say wisdom in ancient Greece around the 6th century BC. And the Athenians called him Budza a type of woman from Miletus who was known for his intelligence, culture and beauty.\"In Classical Greece the Athenian monogamous patriarchalism had already assigned to the woman the role of mother and nurse of her little sons, having forbidden her even to attend the parties organized by men. Mileto in exchange for money to liven up the fun, not to have sex, but to talk about art, aesthetics, politics, sex with Buddhism was optional, if they wanted to, men preferred the blond teenage boys who were also invited to treat.\"The women mothers of the home in Greece hated with all their being that their husbands took into account the opinions of the Buddhists, so they began to despise them. the word was transformed over time to take in a very popular way the meaning that we know everything today.Then the wise women of antiquity were despised for being wise, educated and intelligent. The word Bi * tch comes from the highest and ends in the lowest part of our vocabulary. In that order of ideas I am proud to be a beautiful budza.Tylor Jess ...

Albert Estein about Spinoza

Jan 22nd @ 3:04pm EST

They knew that when Einstein gave a lecture in the numerous universities in the USA, the recurrent question that the students asked him was:- Do you believe in God?And he always answered:-I believe in the God of Spinoza.The one who had not read Spinoza stayed in the same ...I hope this little gem of history will serve you as much as I do.Baruch de Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher considered one of the three great rationalists of the seventeenth century philosophy, together with the Frenchman Descartes.Here something of him.This is the God or nature of Spinoza:God would have said:Stop praying and hitting your chest!What I want you to do is that you go out into the world to enjoy your life.I want you to enjoy, to sing, to have fun and to enjoy everything I have done for you.Stop going to those gloomy temples, dark and cold that you built yourself and you say are my house!My house is in the mountains, in the forests, the rivers, the lakes, the beaches. That's where I live and there I express my love for you.Stop blaming me for your miserable life; I never told you that there was nothing wrong with you or that you were a sinner, or that your sexuality was a bad thing!Sex is a gift that I have given you and with which you can express your love, your ecstasy, your joy. So do not blame me for everything you've been led to believe.Stop being reading alleged sacred scriptures that have nothing to do with me. If you can not read me in a dawn, in a landscape, in the eyes of your friends, in the eyes of your little boy ...You will not find me in any book!Trust me and stop asking me. Are you going to tell me how to do my job?Stop being so afraid of me. I do not judge you, I do not criticize you, I do not get angry, I do not bother, I do not punish. I am pure love.Stop asking me for forgiveness, there is nothing to forgive. If I made you ... I filled you with passions, limitations, pleasures, feelings, needs, incoherencies ... of free will. How can I blame you if you respond to something that I put in you? How can I punish you for being the way you are, if I am the one who made you? Do you think I could create a place to burn all my little boys who misbehave, for the rest of eternity?What kind of God can do that?Forget about any kind of commandments, any kind of laws; those are tricks to manipulate you, to control you, that only create guilt in you.Respect your fellows and do not do what you do not want for you. The only thing I ask is that you pay attention in your life, that your alertness be your guide.My beloved, this life is not a test, nor a step, nor a step on the road, nor a trial, nor a prelude to paradise. This life is the only thing that is here and now and the only thing you need.I have made you absolutely free, there are no rewards or punishments, there are no sins or virtues, no one carries a marker, no one keeps a record.You are absolutely free to create a heaven or hell in your life.I can not tell you if there is anything after this life, but I can give you some advice. Live as if there was not. As if this were your only chance to enjoy, to love, to exist.So, if there is nothing, then you will have enjoyed the opportunity that I gave you. And if there is, be assured that I will not ask you if you behaved well or badly, I'll ask you. Did you like it? You had fun? What did you enjoy the most? You learned?...Stop believing in me; to believe is to suppose, to guess, to imagine. I do not want you to believe in me, I want you to feel me in you. I want you to feel me in you when you kiss your beloved, when you dress your little daughter, when you caress your dog, when you bathe in the sea.Stop praising me, what kind of egomaniac do you think I am?It bores me to be praised, I'm fed up to be grateful. Do you feel grateful? Show it by taking care of yourself, your health, your relationships, the world. Do you feel watched, overwhelmed? ... Express your joy! That is the way to praise me.Stop complicating things and repeating as a parrot what they have taught you about me.The only sure thing is that you are here, that you are alive, that this world is full of wonders.Why do you need more miracles? Why so many explanations?Do not look for me outside, you will not find me. Find me inside ... there I am, beating in you.Spinoza ;)


Nov 30th @ 5:34pm EST

What is the most beautiful thing in life for you?I think the most beautiful part of life is not knowing everything. I think the most interesting thing in the short 22 years that I have been living in this body is discovering what I did not know and what I did not know. After not knowing what we do not know, we move on to another level. We know what we do not know. imagine how wonderful it is to know what you do not know. No matter how old we are, it will always be exciting to know and know what we did not know. And when we already know it with time we want to know more things, to advance, to look at other aspects of life ... there is the beauty of life for me ...Come into my room and tell me ... what is the most beautiful thing in life for you?

i am the devil

Nov 18th @ 4:16pm EST

I am the devilIt is easy to see other people when they are equivalent, judge them when they do not do the right thing, when they are sad about something silly, when they are demotivated to fulfill their dreams, when they do not do what you think they should do, when they lie, they steal, they violate , they destroy, they do psychological damage, when they are happy and you are not, etc.etc etc etcIt is very easy to be the devil and judge. I know because I've done it and sometimes I keep doing it. the devil does 3 things very well. Criticizes, justifies, and complains about everything. If it rains, it says it's very cold and if it's sunny, it says it's very hot. nothing has it happy ... I stop being a devil when I stop looking at the mistakes of others and I accept life as it is. when I become aware that my brain is the transmitter and receiver of vibratory frequencies that attract 24 hours through my thoughts everything that goes through my head. At that moment I am not the devil, at that moment my God. Sorry, I do not criticize, I do not complain and I help without expecting anything in return. it would be good to be god all the time ... but I am a devil most of the time, or maybe not, the point is that I am happy in the present with a desire to be god most of my life

Thanks ....

Nov 4th @ 3:46pm EST

This blog is not a dismissal. it's just a blog I want to call thank you.Feeling grateful is the most effective way for anyone to feel emotionally much better. I'm fine, however, I love giving thanks. Thanks to the 500 people who have added me to their favorites list, to the guests who visit me every day and tell me wonderful things, thanks to the readers of this blog, thanks flirt4free for allowing me to meet fantastic human beings, thanks to all my friends who share my crazy things in front of the camera and finally thank the universe for allowing me to give thanks ... :)

I had an enemy .....

Oct 26th @ 7:10pm EDT

I had an enemy that my relevant steps,and although it seems strange I did not know him,My plans and my goals all disrupted,My best wishes for him did not succeed,One day I was able to find him and claim his cynicism,I uncovered his face and I found myself,Since that day everything has been transformed,for that enemy my friend turned,My old subconscious that previously interfered,Then he helped me and my wishes fulfilled,once my planes in the I trusted him,almost without realizing he just achieved them,I convinced the people, trust gave me,achievement opportunities that no longer messed up,Today we agree and I knew the truth,everything is easy and nothing can not be achieved,I can help others and I do not fear fate,for it is only I who marks my path,now that there is no conflict between the two,I can reach everything, even God ... From.. Alex Day ,This is my favorite poem and I would like to share it with all of you!!!

my favorite drug

Oct 23rd @ 4:52pm EDT

Many people ask me very often about my attitude. I usually laugh and be in a good mood 80 or 95% of the day. with that percentage I consider myself really happy. I write this to tell you what I do to provoke this: my trick is to know how to meditate. Meditation is the most powerful tool to train the mind to pay attention here and now, (according to scientific studies). When we pay attention to the here and now we are grateful with everything we have, the context becomes very positive. If you are alone and you know how to meditate you have time to devote to the study of your being. I do not fear loneliness because with solitude and silence I have come to know myself better than ever, and this makes me choose to be happy even if the circumstances are not so positive.

22 years old

Oct 23rd @ 4:40pm EDT

22 years. On October 11, 1996, in the city of Medellín, I was born in this body. Today the people believe that I am 22 years old, but I do not have that. Maybe I have about 75 more years of life. I have already invested 22 years. I invested because they are already part of the past, they left and lived beautiful days that today I can count on with joy and with a sense of importance. the past is gone and will not return and the future does not exist, maybe only have 20 more years of life, or maybe only have hours or minutes, I do not know, the only thing is that what exists is the here and now. I am not 22 years old, I invested 22 years in this body.Important question: how many years has my soul lived?or ... does time exist?

why Tylor is a mode?

Oct 6th @ 4:55pm EDT

I am a model for a book that one day came to my life. His name is The 7 spiritual laws of success. The author is Deepak Chopra.In this book Chopra taught me the law of giving. I am motivated to start my career as a professional model because I understood that if we are willing to give what we seek, we will keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our life.I am looking for love and abundance in my life. To give to receive love first I must give love, to receive abundance first I must help others to get that abundance. This is my goal when I talk to a new friend in this place. Give, give my eternity, my company, my charisma and the gifts that the universe gives me to share.

the craziest show

Sep 25th @ 7:53pm EDT

One day of the common, as usual, I got up to meditate 15 minutes, had breakfast and went to the gym 1 hour. After having lunch and organizing myself to give play to the broadcast, I saw that on my cell phone more than a year ago I had written something that I never used to read. The phrase said "live as if there were no limits in your abilities". Enough to smile and give him play. A crazy friend challenged me not to do 10 cums. I remembered the phrase and I began the private ahow. I can remember that the first 5 cums I made in 10 minutes, and the other cums .... I say it was a day without limits ... hehe


Sep 8th @ 6:52pm EDT

We have the exotic Amazonian rainforest, tropical grasslands and two Caribbean and Pacific coasts. It is the number one country to have more bird species, despite being so small owns 20% global plant species. around 45,000 plant species. "Colombia has approximately 2,000 species of marine fish and is the second most diverse country in freshwater fish, Colombia is the country with the most endemic species of butterflies, number 1 in terms of orchid species and approximately 7,000 species of beetles. it occupies the second place in number of amphibian species and is the third most diverse country in reptiles and palms There are around 1,900 species of mollusks and, according to estimates, there are around 300,000 species of invertebrates in the country. terrestrial biomes and 314 types of ecosystems " leaving aside the physical beauty of people, because everyone already knows, in short, Colombia is a rich and abundant place in many positive and good things. He has bad things. Violence exists, and drug trafficking exists. they are things that are not very good but I love my country as I love my mother. My mother also has bad things, and many good things. It will always depend on where I look at things. perspectiova. but she will be my mom all my life. I will not tell you one day "you are my ex-mother". So it is absurd to see Colombia as only negative. We are what we are and you all enjoy what you enjoy thanks to what is Colombia culturally speaking.


Sep 7th @ 5:32pm EDT

if any have heard that in the news things related to the title of this blog, they are not informing you, they are selling you. The reality in my country is very different from what Netflix shows. Very often when new people come to greet my room, they ask me "Are you from Colombia? That's where there is good cocaine? Great, I'm afraid to go there but nice to meet you"this happens so frequently that I am motivated to start my blog with things that do not show the news or netflix. today if you are reading this you will understand why the Colombians or Colombians of this place are of your liking.Everything is summarized in something cultural, a beautiful culture that has the greatest ethnic and linguistic capacity. This gives one of the largest cultural heritages in the world, We are one of the 17 countries with the most biodiversity in the world. The different cultures and personalities attract many people who visit the countries or who simply visit the room of a Colombian model. it is easy for us to move the waists to the rhythm and compaz of the music, that makes us very attractive when having sex, since we make love with the rhythm as if we were dancing a song.

Start the Blogg of Tylor Jess

Aug 31st @ 1:43pm EDT

I want first of all to apologize to all the people who have asked me to please start my blogg. I have delayed making the decision to start it becauseI did not want to do a common blog, I wanted to do something special. I have prepared to put information of pleasure and make this an experience for me and for all very nice. Every Friday I will post something new. I will always write from the heart for all of you ... TJ

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